All of our software have a demo version where you can be given a test account to explore the features before sales.

Download our app on Google play and choose the required demo.

For each software requested, these are the requirements or presale options to note.

All our apps have three ways to be installed:

  • Installation Time 5 minutes Max
  • Does not need Internet
  • You need just a windows computers(64 bits System,core i3+ and at least 4 Giga Of Memory


  • Installation Time 5 minutes Max
  • Needs Internet
  • Your app will run on our server, we will give you a domain name and a hosting space


  • Installation Time 30 minutes Max
  • You need just a windows computers(64 bits System, core i3+ and at least 4 Giga Of Memory
  • Your app will run on our server, we will give you a domain name and a hosting space

More on prosoftafrica on Facebook ,Youtube,Linkedlin,Twitter And Instagram


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